With Love


Horses are beautiful.
We decided to offer our time to help the workers at “Corolla et fille” ranch situated in Mascouche, our town. We wanted to help them with their work slightly reducing their tasks and learn how is the work in a horse ranch at the same time. To help, we swept the driveway, cleaned the stables, brushed the horses and fed them.
At the end of the day, we had the chance to do a horse ride because workers wanted to thank us for our time. The volunteer taught us many things and the most important is that even if we worked all day, we had some fun.
Marie and I will never forget this nice experience. If they need us, we’ll always be available to help them.
Thank you “Corolla et fille”!

Rose and Marie-Soleil


We volunteered for the “Étand du Coteau” ranch, in Mascouche. We started to work at 10am and we finished at 4pm.
There were many horses. They all had funny names: Rosalie, Surprise, Grimace, Hunter, Mini and Beauté. The thing we loved the most was to see the kids so happy and motivated to do horseback riding. They seemed grateful to their parents, too.
We think volunteer work is a very good experience and it encourages us to do more for people in our community. We’ll accept more work, without giving us time for a second thought.

Laurie and Vany

When You Wish for It

The law of attraction is not a secret anymore. Our thoughts are powerful and influence our way to achievement when wishes come from the bottom of our hearts. There were moments in my life when I felt its omnipresence. I recognized it while surprise, satisfaction and trust are hugely manifested.
In 2012, I started an art project at school. Well, I’m an English teacher. It seemed audacious, even to me, but the joy I felt made me forget my inhibitions. Without any fear, I thought about every single resource I could use to succeed. I spent many days trying to figure out my needs for this project to come alive: courage, talented students, material, time, money… I also knew that an artist to support my ideas would make all the difference. I dreamt to find an artist, I wished it with all my heart. Research didn’t help much, but I was determined to go on even if the project became unrealistic at that point.
One Friday night, I made my calls to students’ parents to ask them if they would allow their children to go to school the next day to start the painting. Amazing!
One of those parents simply asked me if we would need help while she was an artist. I had Google under my right hand… I wrote her name and… surprise again: she was not an artist only, but a muralist…
Well, it was one of those moments when silence falls in your mind and your reasoning surrenders in a bow of gratitude towards forces that arrange everything for you. Without words, I felt my heartbeat and I thought…


Domika is a beautiful artist, mother and friend who knows how to express her warmhearted personality with an unbelievable simplicity. She succeeded, in such short time, to teach us the art of giving, unconditional love and talent…

Here is the second year when we asked for her help.
Volunteer once more, she put all her personal issues aside and gave us another lesson about humbleness and devotion.
We all learn courage and love by examples only.
Dominique Labreche is a perfect example. Thank you from all my heart, beautiful artist!

Sorting Out Takes Time and Patience

October 1


Everybody likes the work that volunteer workers do for them, so we did volunteer work at “Mascouche’s Support Center” to help the people who are working there. We sorted a lot of clothes (we had XXL category) and put a hanger on each sweater or t-shirt. We worked there for two hours. Samuel’s grandmother works there three days a week. We though that it would be great to help the volunteers for an evening. Samuel knows that there was a lot of work because her grandmother told him. So we came there on an evening. The volunteers where happy to have some help and it was fun to work with them. They where very kind with us. One funny thing with that job was to find weird t-shirts. Some volunteers there already worked for us (we used to be clients) so, it’s now our turn to work for them. Volunteers were happy to have a bit of help from us. The person in charge of us was also proud and happy of our work. Thanks to Samuel’s grandmother for helping us to make this happen.

Samuel and Gabriel